about us


Aims :

As a Nonprofitable Foundation, our mission is to provide medical assistance to poor individuals who are facing any health issue as well as those suffering from any kind of cancer. This apostolat is dealing with providing help in the term of medical and surgical treatment, as well as  promoting cancer’s prevention in different communities of the D.R.Congo as defined by our aims. In addition our Foundation will organize a serial of trainings to doctors and nurses from D.R.Congo via regular  professional seminars and conferences  to improve their skills. Furthermore, the Foundation will developpe numerous strategies to Educate the Public about cancer’s risk factors and the importance of screening examinations in promoting a cancer early Diagnosis as well as a prompt and effective therapeutic management.

Who We are ?  :

An active  philanthropic association of volunteers from distinct professional  and scientific  fields as well as from distinct countries motivated to achieve a crucial  humanitarian activity related to health issues that poor peoples are facing  in D.R.Congo as mentioned above , since a life without charity ,is an imminent death ,this means we must cultivate a solidarity among us to make sense to our existence .Being reach without assisting  deficient patients  is ethically, like a double  crime .We must keep in mind that everything is vanity of vanity only our good actions will remain for eternity .



  1. Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
  2. World Cancer Research Day (September 24, 2023)
  3. October 19. World day of the fightagainstbreastcancer
  4. November,21st Pancreatic Cancer Day
  5. February 4th2025, International day against Cancer. In this dayour Foundation will organized a conference in Kinshasa and in Kananga ( D.R.Congo ) : How to prevent digestive tractcancers, what should I do in my daily life ?
  6. March from 1st to 31st colorectal cancer awareness month

Membership’s Application :

Please before filling the form to apply for the membership,you have to keep in mind that ‘’Love is not treating someone condescendingly and charity isn’t about pity, it is about love . Charity and love are synonyms – with charity you give love, so don’t just give money but you have to love also the human kind .’

To really understand the aim of your life, you have to join this Foundation of Medical Charity Against Cancer, which is a dedicated philanthropic association of volunteers who live by expressing their compassion in different ways for our fellowbeings.

Download the membership’s application form and send it to the Foundation via e-mail.

Bank Account: Foundation of medical Charity against cancer

Please make reference with your name to identify your payment.


Your donation to the Foundation of Medical charity against cancer support us to achieve our humanitarian mission as underlined in the aims.

Contact Us :

Avenue Nguma,No 68 ,Joli Parc -Ngaliema Macampagne -Kinshasa-D.R.Congo

Tel:00243.8117514281 / 0030.6996154491


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